Published on 24th March 2020
The Kalandra Volunteer Certificate, offered at no cost and delivered online, upskills participants in infection control, health and safety and valuable support skills.
Published on 24th March 2020
The Kalandra Volunteer Certificate, offered at no cost and delivered online, upskills participants in infection control, health and safety and valuable support skills.
Published on 22nd March 2020
To meet deficit in Health Care Workers and demand due to Covid-19, Kalandra reorders programme modules for the Certificate in Health Assistance (Aged Care) (Level 3). Learners enrolling in the June intakes will be work-ready after two weeks of study.
Published on 13th October 2019
Kalandra wins two of the four Adult Learners Week Awards, given during the Festival of Learning in September - The Life-Long Learner Award and The Innovative Provider Award.
Published on 28th February 2019
“When I’m not sure I often hide as I don’t want the boss to know”, “once I understand the tasks a little more then, I have time to do the bits I really like”, “I wrap her in a towel and cuddle and rock her, telling her that this is a good place and we care”. In other words the first person is saying they use strategies associated with protection, the second one has learnt how to balance their work and the third has entered the engaged mode.
Published on 6th November 2018
Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe a group of symptoms that affect how well our brains work. Dementia can affect anyone, and as people get older the chances of developing dementia increase. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease – which around two-thirds of people with dementia have.
Published on 1st November 2018
What is your experience of drugs in New Zealand? The Global Drug Survey 2019 wants to know.
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