NZQA External Evaluation and Review

NZQA EER Report May 2020


Kalandra received a Category 2 rating

NZQA is confident in Kalandra's educational performance and confident in Kalandra's capability in self assessment.

For the full EER Report click here


Comments about Student Experience and Outcomes

  • The value of outcomes goes beyond completion of the qualification and the gaining of employment. The self- respect gained along with the confidence and knowledge applied in the workplace is valued by students, employers and the community.
  • Students are very well supported, and their academic and pastoral care needs are being met. 
  • Students gain relevant, work-ready and soft skills through work placements relevant to their working contexts. This can result in promotion and the opportunity to earn beyond the minimum wage (also see key evaluation question 2). 
  • Tertiary Education Commission-funded course completion rates are 92.9 per cent overall – Māori and Pasifika rates are 93.4 and 97.7 per cent respectively. 

Comments about Kalandra

  • Kalandra is committed to matching the needs of students and stakeholders through continued use of self-review as a means of improving programme design and delivery. Kalandra has very strong links with the aged healthcare industry which informs innovation
  • Students strongly value the outcomes gained across the delivery of programmes. Stakeholders and clients in aged healthcare acknowledge Kalandra’s holistic approach and attest to the value of outcomes and the associated benefits from employing graduates with relevant skills.  
  • Kalandra has strong governance and management staff who are focussed on innovation and leadership in the healthcare sector to support educational outcomes for their students. 


Last updated:  30th July 2020

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